• ql4
  • Dec, Sat, 2019

The Problem With Reading About Online MLM

I just finished reading a great eBook about doing online MLM. The eBook had lots of helpful tips, as well as success stories about people who have developed a wonderful passive income stream doing online MLM. The whole eBook was great except for one thing:
There is a world of difference between reading about online MLM and doing it.
What Reading Novels and Reading about Online MLM Have in Common
Don’t get me wrong, I love to read about online MLM. I love that other people read what I write about this business. That’s not the problem. The problem happens when people actually get online, sign up for their blog and social media accounts, and start doing their MLM business online. That’s when the problems crop up. Why?
Let me give you an example. I read this sentence in the eBook on doing MLM online:
“Bob followed this approach, and six months later, moved three levels up his MLM company’s compensation plan.”
That sounds great, right? Bob’s approach was to write a couple of blogs and work three social media platforms. No big deal. And he moved three levels up the compensation plan. That’s great. After all, who can’t do what Bob did for six months, right?
And that’s what reading about online MLM and reading novels share in common: it’s too easy. It is soooooo easy to read about some black-ops superhero kicking butt in a novel, with his special tools, his martial arts moves, and his network of connections. It’s easy to read, hard to do.
Ditto with online MLM. It’s soooooo easy to read about Bob, who just easily taps out six blog posts a week for his two blogs (one for product and one for business), and who handles all of his social media “networking” with ease. So not happening… unless Bob is a psycho workaholic who just LOVES to spend all of his time on the computer after he comes home from his day job. Not.
See, it took only one sentence to write about Bob’s six month’s worth of grueling effort. It takes only one second to read the words “six months later.” But the truth of the matter is, Bob spent six months slaving away. See what I mean? See the difference between one second’s worth of reading and six month’s worth of effort?
Somehow, our brains translate the effort it takes to read ABOUT online MLM into the effort we think it will actually take to do online MLM. It only took a second to read the words, so how hard could it be? That’s what we say to ourselves, all the time. Really.
Online MLM in the Real World
So let’s get down to brass tacks for a minute and talk about doing your MLM business online, in the real world, not in Bob’s superhero world. Is what Bob doing possible? Yes. Is it probable? No. Is the average Joe likely to be able to follow Bob’s path. Nuh-uh.
So what is possible, probable, and likely for the average Joe who wants to do MLM online? Well, here are the facts about online MLM as I understand them based on my real-world experience:
1. Online MLM takes as much time and effort as any other small business. The main difference is that your overhead is much lower than the average bricks and mortar startup storefront.
2. Online MLM is a skill, like any other. Just because you are online doesn’t mean you don’t have to network, build trust, make friends, influence people, etc. You have to do all of that, plus you have to learn to do it in the online world, which has its own set of rules.
3. Keep your day job, if you have one. You don’t need as much capital as you would for a regular startup small business, but you still need cashflow because unless you are a psycho workaholic, you are not going to hit the top of the compensation plan in six months.
Reading about Online MLM: My Advice
After a decade of doing MLM online, my advice is that you should definitely keep reading and learning about doing this business online. Or listening to CDs or watching DVDs. Whatever floats your boat.
The thing is, whenever you run across a sentence, or even an entire article that talks about someone’s success, don’t be tempted to think that it was EVER easy. It NEVER is. Online MLM can create an immensely steady passive income for you. It can be developed into a financial asset. It can do a lot of things. But it takes as much effort as anything else in the world.
So… do keep reading. Just don’t be fooled. Unless the article you are reading describes the blood, sweat, and tears it took a person to reach success in gory detail, learn what you can from the article, but don’t be lulled into the idea that MLM is “rags to riches” with no effort.
Just a word of warning to the wise. I love MLM and I love online MLM even more. I just don’t want MLM to have a bad name in your book because you aren’t a millionaire, or even a thousandaire, in six months.
Slow steady effort is the key.

  • ql4
  • Sep, Sat, 2019

Kick-Ass Review

Stars: Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Nicholas Cage
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Release Date: August 3, 2010
MPAA Rating: R
Dave Lizewski is just a normal kid. His only super power is being invisible to girls. He’s never crossed paths with a radioactive spider, never been subjected to intense bursts of gamma radiation, and he doesn’t have mutant DNA. That’s because those things are pretty much impossible. But Dave Lizewski doesn’t think that putting on a mask and helping people has to be impossible. It’s this blend of naiveity and optimism that turns him into the first hero of his kind in the film Kick-Ass.
Based on the hyper-violent comic book created by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr., Kick-Ass is the story of Dave Lizewski’s transformation from normal teenager to normal teenager with a mask. When a scuffle with some thugs is caught on video and posted to the web, it quickly goes viral. Web stardom leads to an inbox filled with requests for help and suddenly Dave, portrayed by relative newcomer Aaron Johnson, is doing hero work, albeit dangerous hero work for your average everyday teen. There’s always safety in numbers though, and Kick-Ass quickly finds himself forming a tenuous alliance with fellow heroes Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage), Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) and Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz) in an effort to take down mob boss Frank D’Amico (Mark Strong).
Director/Producer/Writer Matthew Vaughn (Layer Cake, Stardust) shows his chops here as he lifts John Romita Jr’s images off the comic page and translates them onto the big screen with an uncanny knack for capturing the artist’s original vision. Some scenes, namely the introduction, is almost perfectly frame by frame. In fact, the only thing separating the film from its source material at times is the fidelity of the images. Where Romita inserted a fair amount of grittiness into the comic, Vaughn counters with the same slick production seen in many comic book movies over the past decade. Vaughn toes the line between campy and ghastly and uses the behavior of the characters and the over the top violence that follows their actions, to temper the brightly colored, overly-stylized production and Hollywood feel.
The biggest source of all this gritty violence is little Mindy Macready, a ten-year-old who goes by the name of Hit-Girl. Chloe Moretz, of the upcoming vampire flick Let Me In, steals the scene here with her interpretation of a little girl who would rather play with butterfly knives than dolls. As Dave Lizewski puts it in the comic, “She’s like John Rambo meets Polly Pocket.”
The rest of the cast turn in above average performances as well, especially Mark Strong who makes his role as Frank D’Amico the transition between last year’s Lord Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes and next year’s turn as Sinestro in the upcoming Green Lantern. It’s no wonder he keeps landing these roles- he makes an excellent antagonist.
As hard as it may be to believe, the film doesn’t quite live up to the buckets of blood Millar and Romita Jr. put on display in the graphic novel. There’s still plenty to go around here, and when coupled with copious amounts of strong language and some sexual situations, Kick-Ass is rated an unapologetic R. The slight tweak in the amount of gore isn’t the only departure Matthew Vaughn and co. take from the source material either. While the main story arc is left predominately untouched, purists may get their feathers ruffled in the way some events unfold and slight differences to minor plot points.
There’s not much to get excited about as far as bonus features on the disc. Aside from a 20 minute interview with the comic’s creators, you’re mostly treated to a bunch of storyboards and marketing materials. The director’s commentary track, if you’re into that sort of thing, is your typical casserole of interesting tidbits and soul crushing boredom. Extras aside, the film is good enough on its own to warrant a purchase whether you’re into comics, comic movies or action movies. You’re going to want to get in on the ground floor too. After Vaughn wraps his current project, X-Men: First Class, production on Kick-Ass 2 begins.
Still not convinced? Well, the name of the movie is Kick-Ass. It would be a really bold move if they named it that and it wasn’t, kick-ah.. uh well, you know.. a pretty good movie.

  • ql4
  • Jun, Fri, 2019

Don’t Judge a Book by It’s Cover

Do you ever wonder where the saying came from? “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” I’m sure that in the book binding business they don’t say that. The art of book binding has evolved over many years. Scribes in the earliest days wrote on palm leaves that were etched and stained with ink which would leave indentations that were visible. The western writers used bark and leaves for most of their writing but important documents were written on papyrus and rolled and stored in cubbyholes, similar to today’s wine racks.
The Egyptians discovered a method to fold the paper and write on both of the sides and fasten the paper together with a method of sewing the book through the folds. Wooden boards held the book together and it was kept in a goatskin to protect it from the elements. The first books that were actually made of paper had flat spines and over time the humidity would cause the papers to expand and the spine to be contorted so the book took on a wedge shaped appearance. Heavy boards were used to hold the paper together and ties were used to bind the book. Over time the spines were made more round which eliminated the effect the humidity had on the papers of the book. The first books that resemble the book binding of today was developed in Morocco around the 15th century. The books were bound with leather spines and silk threads were used to sew the pages together. About mid century in the 15th century with the invention of the printing press the books were made lighter and more portable than ever. Bibles were made with tissue thin paper and the covers were flexible which made the Bibles easier for missionaries to travel all over the world with them.
Until about the mid 20th century books were covered with cloth. Book binding from the mid 20th century and later used clothette a pseudo cloth which is really a paper. Cardboard was adopted for the hardcover books and the books no longer had threads sewn in the folds like the earlier books had been done.
Different types of modern book binding are the punch and bind technique, which encompasses double wire binding, comb binding, velobind, spiral binding, proclick and zipbind. Thermal binding techniques include perfect pinding, thermal binding, tape binding and unibind. The other type of binding in modern books is stitch binding. Stapling through the center fold is called saddle-stitching and American comic books use this type of binding.

  • ql4
  • Mar, Thu, 2019

The Best Horror Novels

There used to be a time when I hated reading. I just could not tolerate anything other than my biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. I never liked reading novels. But then one day, I came across a novel that was written by R.L..Stine. R. L. Stine is a great writer who has written hundred of horror novels targeted for teens and adults. Most of his novels have been best sellers and he had received several awards for his contribution as well. But then at that time, I was not aware of who R.L. Stine was. I had never heard about him. Somehow I had found a novel that was written by him.
Since my interest had always been watching horror flicks, I wanted to start with the novel. I didn’t know whether I will be able to finish the novel or not or even go half way or not. Anyway, I started reading it because i knew there was some suspense in the story. The name of my first novel was “The Boyfriend”. I started reading it and then I started finding it interesting as well. In two days I had finished the whole book and believe me it was a great read. I was thrilled. It was just fantastic. I couldn’t believe the creativity of the author. All along I kept wondering where he got that idea from. It was simple mind blowing. There was mystery, horror, suspense, love and everything. I just loved the book.
Then I decided to read more of the author’s books. I got more. Believe me, the best horror novels that I read were Beach house, Call Waiting, The New Years Party, Party Summer, The Dead Lifeguard, The Boy Next Door, Secret Admirer, Silent Night, The Betrayal, The Stepsister, The Burning, The First Evil and many more. The list is endless. This author has created so many interesting horror novels that are really worth reading. If you are a fan of such novels, then it is definitely worth reading some of his novels. Once you read a few you will feel like reading more and more. And then you will wait for his next novel to release.

  • ql4
  • Dec, Fri, 2018

How To Develop The Plot When Writing Thriller Novels

When writing a thriller novel, how does the author set up and develop the plot and build more detail?
The theme can start out with one central idea. Then, it can develop from that idea, as the writing progresses.
Others will start with the idea and map out the plot in detail, before writing. That can be seen as formulaic. Once the plot is laid out in a plan, then some would say that it becomes writing by numbers. Keen readers will see these patterns in many thriller novels.
My preferred approach is to start out with a central idea, and let the story flow. With ‘Gate of Tears’ it was the extraction of gold from seawater.
Of course, that way, you don’t know how the story will go. With thrillers most authors will know that the main character will live for another day. Why let him or her live? Well, it enables them to use the character in a sequel. Obvious.
‘Gate of Tears’ is set mainly in the Middle East, where the Strait known as the ‘Bab el Mandeb’ – ‘Gate of Tears’ – guards the southern entrance to the Red Sea. There are other storylines in Alaska and London besides the Yemen, and the geography helped the plot development. I would find it much more challenging to write a thriller novel that was set in a fairly constrained environment – say a prison.
Then there are other challenges. How can an author deal with a stage in the action where a character has been put in an apparently dead-end situation? Well, firstly, the author backtracks. ‘Unwriting’ is, for me, a copout and also loses an opportunity for further plot intrigue. So, I wait and think, and sometimes it takes a few weeks to work out an answer (I might need to develop another thread to help resolve the situation). I’ll take a notebook and go for a walk. And another walk.
Another issue is ‘what happens next’?
An author could do as the main character does in ‘The Diceman’ – identify some options and let the dice decide. That’s an interesting way of moving the plot forward. That’s the creative bit.
A newish approach is to let the readers decide, issuing one or more chapters at a time and inviting reader input. I don’t favour that.
Technology Input
With techno thrillers the technology itself can tell a story. And, then, if the author has some nous, the writer can extrapolate existing technology. I have a defence equipment blog feed which I follow, and that pours out new technology for me. Then, recently on the television I saw the new Honda robot which can hop on one leg and pour a drink. It was scary, and the weapons possibilities are disturbing (or not – maybe they’d save lives). It’s not sci-fi anymore – it’s here.
The approaches I describe here all help the plot evolve, whilst allowing room for the mystical creative aspect. My favourite though, is when I tell the main character ‘Now, get out of that”!

  • ql4
  • Sep, Fri, 2018

How to Derive Benefits From Romance Novels?

Romance novels are mostly read when you are young. But it is not necessary that you should read such romance filled novels only when you are in teens or in twenties. Rather you should read them more in the middle age or old age. Why? Because by the time you reach this age you are more mature and has gone through several affairs, loaded with responsibilities, children and career and has simply lost the remembrance of how wonderful experience a pure romantic relationship is! Hence this is the right age to start reading romantic novels which can evolve more romantic ideas in you and make your marriage or any other relationship which has turned stale more happening.
Some other reasons why you should read such novels:
These novels are woven around two young or middle-aged people who are strongly attracted towards each other but owing to some misunderstandings or issues get separated but ultimately become one in the end. Such concept creates a hope in you to rejuvenate your lost love or inspire you to bridge the gap between you and your partner and come together once again.
They are very inspirational and motivating for those who have lost faith in love and romance. Love is the gift of Lord Almighty. But not everyone gets it easily. Sometimes, to obtain this precious blessing you need to cross difficult odds and obstacles. Too much obstacles can cause you to loose hope in love. But, reading novels on romance can reinstate this faith and motivate you to try more and fulfill your aspirations.
Reading romantic novels gives sheer pleasure. Those of you who are really looking for a fresh and entertaining pass time, can read these novels as not only do they keep you bounded they also make you feel happy after the book is complete. After all, who does not love happy endings?
They also throw light on the thinking and perspectives of men and women. Many times you fail to understand the feelings of your partner or spouse due to which crisis arises. Reading these novels help you understand the peculiarity of situational feelings and thinking and you are then able to understand your loved one much better.
It makes you believe that as long as you are alive and are capable of loving, romance can happen any time. This is a big boost for the young and adults alike which very early in life have lost faith in romance due to bitter experiences.
Whatever the reason may be but these wonderful romantic novels are read worldwide by everyone. Although the choice differs as per your personality, you have innumerable novels on romance written by reputed author to choose from. Pick up the one which you like the best and enter into the world of romance. It is always advisable to read the paperback so that you get a hint of what is inside. Be it any day or month or a year, romance novels can be read by everyone and at any time.

  • ql4
  • Jun, Thu, 2018

SizeGenetics – How to Get the Penis Bigger With Penis Enlargement Pills

Men say that women say they want it bigger to get the maximum effects. Women say it is not really the size that matters but how the man uses it. The “He Said, She Said” on the opinion of getting the penis bigger will always result to a very active discussion and debate on the effectivity of the size of the penis. Take for example the erotica novels, a genre that is always used by men as the “truth” to women’s fantasies. All these books talk about larger penises and alien configuration. Well, gentlemen, the truth is, these erotica novels and those X-rated movies enjoyed and viewed are exactly what they are called: fantasies of a highly active mind.
There is truth to the idea that there are really penis enlargement pills like SizeGenetics that work. Some of them work alone; some of them have to be used with penis extender gadgets. Are these safe? The answer really depends on the product that is used. In truth, there are a lot of scam products out there which can give undesirable side effects. But these products will continue to be sold for these are very popular among men and women who are not satisfied with the size of the penis. When using these pills and gadgets together, think of it as giving the penis a workout program, diet and the ‘stretching equipment’ needed to build up the muscles. Yes! Muscles! The penis is made up of muscle tissues so it is very logical to work it out the proper way and that way are the extender gadgets used alongside the pills. There are quite a few products out there which have been rated at the top of the list for the effective results in increasing the size and girth of the penis for up to four inches.
Now gentlemen, the question of getting the penis bigger is resolved, there are pills and gadgets to increase the size of penis, however one question still remains. If you have the equipment, women will always wonder: would you know how to use it? Remember, size is not everything and nothing can be more painful and uncomfortable to a woman than a man who does not know how to use a long and big penis.